BISSS is the IPN code for the new sales system which will replace PUBTV.

BISSS is based on the TV95 application; it originated from needs expressed by various IP Groupe EDP teams and was then developped jointly by IPA Plus and IPN , under management of HAVAS INTERMEDIATION.

The whole project team was under the control of IP Germany EDP Department Head, Hans Peter Reichmann.

Christian Schneider lead the development team, mixing internal and external manpower since the beginning of the project in 1993.

Implementation of BISSS:

IPN is "shadowrunning" BISSS since the 12th of May in Amstelveen, with joint teams of users and EDP staff.

Peter Bas Oosthoek is leading the project team at IPN with a functional team (among them, Nicolette Steenkamp and Mark Van Altena) , a technical team (among them Robert de Horde) , a maintenance/support team (with Willem Schijf) and a German developper( Harald Hoyer).

Havas Intermediation is also heavily involved with Pierre Wagner (International Project Coordinator), Pascal Payet (UNIX and Sybase support, coordination with IP Germany) and Laurent Doublein (database administrator)

Media Sales :

BISSS is planned to start "live" on July 1st for the following IPN Media : RTL4, RTL5, and VERONICA.